Apexification of A Permanent Immature Central Incisor

A Case Report

  • Farah Afroz Khan Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, J.S.M.U
  • Yawar Ali Abidi Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, J.S.M.U
  • Maham Muneeb Lone Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, J.S.M.U
  • Samira Adnan Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, J.S.M.U
Keywords: Apexification, calcium hydroxide, foraminal closure


Aim: To report the induction of apical root development in an open apex central incisor with necrosed pulp by calcium hydroxide

Summary: A 27-year‐old female patient came to dental OPD with ache and discoloration of tooth #11 with a history of dental trauma. There was negative response on pulp sensitivity test on tooth #11. Periapical radiograph showed incomplete root formation with wide canal, divergent foramina, and fragile dentinal walls tooth #11. After giving local anesthesia on her first appointment, access was opened, working length was measured and pulp was extirpated. Chemo-mechanical debridement was done with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution and application of calcium hydroxide paste was placed. Access was then closed and patient was recalled for subsequent appointments. After a duration of 9-months, radiograph showed the evidence of complete root development with closure of foramina opening. Canal was filled with sealer and Gutta-Percha by thermo-chemical compaction.


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How to Cite
Khan, F., Abidi, Y., Lone, M., & Adnan, S. (2021). Apexification of A Permanent Immature Central Incisor. Annals of Jinnah Sindh Medical University, 7(1), 43-46. https://doi.org/10.46663/ajsmu.v7i1.43-46